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  • August 7, 2021 Bill Gluyas

    Doctors to blame for the continuing scabies epidemic?

    Doctors are at least partly to blame for the continuing spread of scabies infestations in communities because they keep prescribing ineffective treatments which only makes eradication worse.When doctors prescribe drugs with active ingredients lindane, crotamiton, benzyl benzoate, permethrin and oral ivermectin sold under various trade names they are recommending an ineffective product which does not [...]
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  • Scabies on the increase as OTC treatments fail
    May 14, 2021 Bill Gluyas

    Scabies on the increase as OTC treatments fail

    Scabies is a tiny mite invisible to the naked eye that burrows beneath the skin causing severe discomfort and itching, especially at night.It is highly transmissable and can quickly infest a whole family or a community like a rest home or hospital.Traditional over the counter treatments have included synthetic pyrethrins, benzyl benzoate, lindane, crotamiton, organo-phosphate [...]
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  • July 19, 2017 Bill Gluyas

    Scabies treatment help

    With scabies infestations on the rise many people are looking at natural remedies as a last resort when they should be looking to them first.Unfortunately very few people are aware that scabies mites have become resistant to conventional drugs, and no-one in the pharmaceutical industry or drug stores is letting on.Instances of drug resistant scabies have been identified by many [...]
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