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Doctors to blame for the continuing scabies epidemic?

Doctors are at least partly to blame for the continuing spread of scabies infestations in communities because they keep prescribing ineffective treatments which only makes eradication worse.

When doctors prescribe drugs with active ingredients lindane, crotamiton, benzyl benzoate, permethrin and oral ivermectin sold under various trade names they are recommending an ineffective product which does not kill the scabies mites or their eggs.

It is well established that the scabies mites have developed resistance to these drugs.

What this means is that while some of the mites may die as a result of these products, many more will survive and breed a new generation of mites that are not affected by these drugs.

Doctors tend to recommend conventional treatments because this is what many of their patients expect.

However it is now time for doctors to look at research which demonstrates that new acaricides (scabies treatment) need to be prescribed to effectively combat the growing resistance of scabies to conventional treatments which are clearly no longer effective.

One such new treatment identified by Australian and Japanese research is a Tea Tree and Manuka essential oil formula in the form of a cream and rubbing oil. 

Manuka oil is also available in a soap, and the combined application of these products in a natural scabies treatment pack have been shown to be highly effective in controlling the spread of this difficult human parasite.

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