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Where to get your Propolis Tincture or Capsules

Where to get your Propolis Tincture or Capsules

Ladies, the trick is to choose a potent one | Propolis tincture from NZ

Like manuka honey, propolis tincture from NZ is a magical substance that may solve many problems.

We already know that propolis is immensely healing for the whole organism. Still, it also has a profound effect on the beauty service, so it is sometimes called the bee’s gift for the face.

It contains numerous vitamins, minerals (magnesium, zinc, iron, nickel), organic acids, polyphenols, and flavonoids, making it an excellent natural anesthetic, antioxidant, antiseptic, and antibiotic.

Propolis tincture balances, soothes, and heals problematic skin. In addition, it accelerates the rate of cell growth and helps with clogged pores.

And acts as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent.

It does that with the help of antioxidants such as galanin, pinobanskin, quercetin, caffeic acid, and hydroquinone. And you know what…All these ingredients are often found in pimple creams!

So by using just propolis, you may successfully eliminate skin issues from the face and restore its radiance.

You only need to apply it in a thin layer.

But what is the best propolis tincture?

It is literally the first one that won’t burn your skin off and cause an oil party on your T zone. The one that helps tremendously with hydration, fungal acne, redness, and those hormonal pimples that hurt.

The trick is to choose a good one. A potent one.

Please don’t get confused by the bottle size. It is more about concentration, and the highly concentrated ones are expensive.

In the US, most of the ones on the market are diluted to provide max profit.

But I don’t want to look like I’m tooting my own horn.

It is easy to test how concentrated the propolis tincture is. All you need to do is add one drop to the water and watch what is happening. You have a good one if it transforms from a solid brown liquid drop into something like a white smoke shape and expands fast.

You may have a propolis tincture from NZ.

But, if it releases some white stuff and stays as a brown drop, then you have a highly diluted one with 90% useless stuff.

Also, the best one smells delicious and leaves your dry, sensitive skin feeling super hydrated, pampered, and soft.

Potent propolis tincture from NZ is not easily washable, though. But it is easiest to rinse it off under the shower, rather than splashing at the sink or leave it on your favorite pink towel.

Let’s rewind; what is propolis?

The most prominent ingredient in propolis (55%) is a resin collected from plants and trees. The other half is made up of waxes (30%), essential oils (10%), and pollen (5%).

You can also find a wide range of additional elements in propolis, including organic and amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and, most importantly, bioflavonoids, which are believed to be active ingredients in the skin healing process.

These ingredients are mixed with bee saliva to produce bee glue (Propolis).

So we get a resinous mixture that honey bees produce from tree sap.

When they combine tree sap with their wax, they create a sticky, greenish-brown product used as a coating to build their hives. But it also serves as a natural disinfectant against bacteria.

Pretty interesting, isn’t it?!

Historically, propolis is considered the oldest form of natural medicine. However, today we know that propolis has a very complex chemical structure, consisting mainly of antioxidants.

The main components of this substance are phenols, terpenes, aromatic and aliphatic acids, flavonoids, and others.

Propolis is a popular natural remedy today, thanks to its soothing, protective, and antioxidant properties.

What are the skin benefits of taking propolis tincture from NZ? (in short)

Antibacterial and antifungal properties – Propolis fights many harmful bacteria because it is rich in flavonoids.

Smoothes and softens the skin – As it has healing properties, propolis quickly regenerates the skin to make its surface smooth.

Hydrates the skin – restores skin moisture without a heavy, creamy film.

Soothes sunburns – speeds up the skin recovery process.

Full of antioxidants – it fights free radicals, pollutant particles and UV rays, which cause cell damage.

Controls sebum production – overactive sebaceous glands can be balanced with propolis.

Natural skincare – propolis can reduce pigmentation and inflammatory redness of the skin.

Stimulates collagen production and offers antioxidant protection against environmental pollutants. In addition, propolis affects the appearance of acne!

Propolis tincture from NZ (longer version)


In skincare, propolis is a potent antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal ingredient that cleanses the skin and helps the body resist the virus.


Its potent antioxidant and antibacterial properties make propolis one of the best ingredients for balancing problem skin. It prevents the spread of bacteria and improves skin regeneration. Propolis tincture from NZ is rich in vitamins B, C, and E.

Its ability to help regenerate damaged skin tissue makes it a truly magical ingredient.


Unlike petroleum-based products, honey and propolis products protect the skin without suffocating it. It allows your skin to breathe and function effectively without causing dryness. Honey and propolis-based products are naturally waterproof and create a barrier on the skin’s surface to protect it from bacteria.

They also act as a natural skin firmer, providing a creamy and delicate skin texture.

In their natural role as a skin barrier, honey and propolis for the face also protect from everyday pollutants and other toxins.

In addition, they are rich in vitamin A and support cell rejuvenation and rehydration.


The level of active ingredients in propolis can vary depending on the geographical location and the time of year when it is collected.

Caffeic acid and hydroquinone – organic compounds often used in commercial cosmetic formulas for skin treatment – are also present in propolis tincture from NZ.

All of these compounds are useful in alleviating pimples and acne.

Propolis for the skin promotes wound healing by improving the growth of epithelial cells. And that means increasing circulation and preventing the formation of scars.

So, if you haven’t already, try a natural treatment for pimples without chemicals and harmful substances.

Do not use propolis if you are allergic to other bee products – such as royal jelly, pollen, or honey. Talk to your doctor before using propolis tincture.


The beneficial biological effect of propolis has been widely used in dermatology for injury healing, thermal damage, and external ulcers therapy. But also healing time reduction wound contraction increase and tissue repair acceleration.

The main active compounds are responsible for the biological activity (chrysine, galangine, pinocembrin, and pinobanxine) phenolic acids (caffeic acid, p-cumaric acid, and ferulic acid).

Besides manuka honey, propolis tincture from NZ is extraordinary in helping with recovery from burns. A specific study showed a remarkable comeback on 2-nd-degree deep partial-thickness burns.

So, how does it work, exactly?

During skin burning, free radicals form. If you remember, free radicals are destructive to our skin health. In this case, they degrade skin’s elasticity and health even more.

Although with burns, you’ve got proper drugs, their activity is merely therapeutic, and they don’t address radical activity.

As you see, propolis tincture is a missing piece of the puzzle in a complete and faster healing journey.

Propolis tincture as a plant resin is an optimal healing agent for the treatment of thermal injuries due to its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, immunomodulatory, and last but not least antioxidant activity.

The time needed for growing new healthy endothelium was 15 days. (1)

In the end …

The best propolis tincture has all the benefits mentioned above.

However, if you skimp on yourself, you may skimp on your decision too.

If you think that there are better things than a product that bee uses to fight off bacteria from their house, you may want to think twice.

However, we understand if you can’t decide upon your propolis tincture. You should enjoy the many benefits of the hive, but at the same time, stay informed and safe.

And you know that Manuka Natural can help you with that.


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