Seborrheic Dermatitis Natural Products
Shipped directly from New Zealand
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Shipped directly from New Zealand
Order now and receive the freshest product shipped directly to you from New Zealand.
Manu™ Seborrheic Dermatitis Natural product pack provides a totally natural solution for seborrheic dermatitis. Most commonly infecting the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis can also affect the face and other areas of the body which have higher levels of sebum oil production.
This treatment relieves the swelling and greasy flaky appearance, soothes the skin, prevents infection, promotes rapid healing of lichenified skin and scalp and helps to prevent long term scarring all with natural products.
Scientific studies have proven conclusively that both East Cape Manuka oil and Manuka UMF honey are highly effective in controlling malassezia that leads to Seborrheic Dermatitis, without causing skin sensitivity sometimes associated with the use of conventional synthetic drug treatments.
We use a 25% concentration of manuka essential oil applied to the seborrheic dermatitis directly, This oil is only produced in the East Cape region in New Zealand; where the Manuka chemotype with highest levels of naturally occurring triketone compounds are found, which means more effective antimicrobial activity.
Manuka honey has long been recognised as having outstanding healing properties, so we formulated our Manuka Honey Cream which is easier to apply than pure Manuka honey and also contains other important ingredients like manuka oil which helps boost its healing properties. We use the cream to help heal the damaged skin from the Seborrheic dermatitis and to prevent it spreading to other areas of the body and face.
Our Manu™ Seborrheic Dermatitis natural product pack contains:
Our customers love the results!
"I was skeptical, especially since I live in the States and have never before heard of these products, but they are truly incredible. I had severe Seborrheic Dermatitis around my nose and cheeks, and nothing I tried had helped. With my very first use, I noticed a difference in my skin...a calming of the redness and less flaking and peeling. Within two weeks my skin was almost flawless. Truly worth every penny - a little bit goes a LONG way! Don't hesitate to make this purchase, these reviews are honest and accurate!"
Stacey,- USA
"After doing some searching for a natural solution to my problem of seborrheic dermatitis, I stumbled along your products. Anything was worth a shot, so I decided to buy some UMF Manuka Honey Cream in August of 2009. To my surprise, after one night's use I had noticed a smoothness and clearness in that area that I hadn't seen since before my first flare-up years ago. I was thrilled, but I decided to wait to thank you just in case it lost its potency over time. To this day it remains the best way to hold off my near constant threat of a flare-up (I live in Michigan in the United States, the cold and dry season is particularly long here). It is so effective in fact, that my skin appears to be near flawless at times. At night I put on a regular application of the honey cream, followed by a gentle aloe moisturizer in the morning, and the results are fantastic. As a bonus, I don't have to fear using it because it's natural" -. Travis Thompson
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See natural products for other topical skin conditions here.
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These statements and reviews have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.