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  • Crazy home remedies for ringworm
    August 11, 2021 Bill Gluyas

    Crazy home remedies for ringworm

    It constantly amazes me why people continue to submit crazy home remedies on forums. The most recent ones I have seen relating to home remedies for ringworm include taking garlic, bathing in bleach, and using a paste of baking soda!Another one stated she didn't want to take her doctors advice because she was worried that [...]
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  • August 8, 2021 Bill Gluyas

    Catching Ringworm from Animals

    Ringworm is one of the many diseases and parasites carried by domestic pets that can be passed to humans. Domestic dogs and cats are carriers of several potentially nasty diseases and infections that can infect humans, including giardia, roundworm, toxoplasmosis, ringworm, tapeworm, cat scratch fever, which, in serious cases can affect the human host's heart and [...]
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  • Ringworm home remedy
    August 7, 2018 Bill Gluyas

    Ringworm home remedy

    Ringworm can easily and safely treated at home with Manuka essential oil, Manuka cream and soap.During the summer months ringworm is very common due to warm and humid weather which provide ideal conditions for its spread.Ringworm is also highly contagious, with the use of popular places like swimming pools, gymnasiums and sports facilities, ringworm can [...]
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