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Manuka honey for stomach upsets

A few years ago a client told me that when he traveled to South east Asia on business he always took a pot of Manuka honey with him in case he contracted food poisoning or "Delhi Belly"

He said it was by far the best remedy and that it got him back on deck quicker than other forms of medication.

Since then I have taken his advice and always taken a pot of Manuka honey with me when away from home.

Recently we were in another town for a function and I was violently ill that night and the next day. In the morning I started taking a teaspoon of Manuka UMF 15+ every couple of hours and in drinks to keep hydrated.

Following the second night my family said I should visit the doctor to get this checked, my doctor said it could be food poisoning and wanted to have a fecal sample analysed to check what pathogen was the cause.

By the third day I was feeling fine again and eating normally and still taking Manuka UMF honey in cups of tea etc.

When the sample analysis came back it showed that there was no identifiable pathogens present at all meaning that I was clear of this infection.

Later we found out that it was indeed a bug that was going around the community and that there were quite a lot of people who had been affected with the same symptoms.

However, the difference was that they were reporting that it was taking a week to get over this infection where mine only lasted for 3 days and I can only conclude that this was due to the effect of taking Manuka honey.

The great thing about honey is that it has an indefinite shelf life which means you can keep a pot on hand for this type of incident and even after years it will still be effective.

In fact, historians report that they have discovered honey in the Pharaohs tombs which at over 2000 years old was still in good condition although it had become crystallized through time and dehydration. 

Presumably the Pharaohs took honey with them to protect them in the afterlife.

Manuka UMF honey is also wonderful for sore throats and the common cold, more about this and new research which states that honey should be the first step in fighting infection and that antibiotics should only be used as a last resort in my next blog.

Keep Well!

Previous article What is the unique manuka factor? What a… UMF?