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  • “Manuka Honey Near Me”
    April 10, 2024 Bill Gluyas

    “Manuka Honey Near Me”

    Is a very popular search term on Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, Baidu, etc.  And you may find some search listings for Manuka honey in your locality, But wait! Is this Manuka Honey Authentic? The short answer is that...

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  • Where our Manuka oil and honey comes from
    August 3, 2020 Bill Gluyas, Video by TVNZ

    Where our Manuka oil and honey comes from

    Today we bring you a recent video made by TVNZ to show the production of Manuka essential oil and Manuka honey.Both products are produced in the East Cape region of New Zealand’s North Island.Much of this land was originally forest, cleared over 100 years ago to make way for pasture to farm sheep and cattle, however the manuka plants [...]
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  • Benefits of Manuka honey and what to buy
    April 13, 2020 Bill Gluyas

    Benefits of Manuka honey and what to buy

    Manuka honey, native to New Zealand, has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that set it apart from other forms of floral honey. It has traditionally been used to heal wounds, soothe sore throats, prevent tooth decay. Honey has been around forever, but it has re-emerged in modern times and with the backing of extensive scientific study as both a [...]
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  • What makes Manuka UMF honey superior?
    March 10, 2019 Bill Gluyas

    What makes Manuka UMF honey superior?

    To begin with all pure honey is good for you and has antimicrobial properties.The reason for this is that when honey comes into contact with a wound it produces hydrogen peroxide and hydrogen peroxide will eliminate a range of bacteria.Where Manuka UMF (unique manuka factor) honey is different and superior is that also contains a [...]
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  • ​Manuka honey found below par
    July 19, 2017 Bill Gluyas

    Manuka honey found below par

    Once again the British press are questioning the authenticity of Manuka honey with their report that Fortnum and Mason are removing Manuka honey from their shelves while they investigate reports that their home branded Manuka honey does not meet tests of authenticity.For the past 5 years research in New Zealand has focused on identifying compounds that are unique to [...]
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  • How to identify genuine Manuka honey
    July 19, 2017 Bill Gluyas

    How to identify genuine Manuka honey

    With a marketplace filled with a wide array of honey described on the label as Manuka honey, how can the consumer tell if it is genuine or if it has been adulterated with other honey or even sugar syrup?The simple answer is that unless it can be subjected to a High-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) test it is almost [...]
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