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  • 8月 7, 2021 Bill Gluyas

    Doctors to blame for the continuing scabies epidemic?

    Doctors are at least partly to blame for the continuing spread of scabies infestations in communities because they keep prescribing ineffective treatments which only makes eradication worse.When doctors prescribe drugs with active ingredients lindane, crotamiton, benzyl benzoate, permethrin and oral ivermectin sold under various trade names they are recommending an ineffective product which does not [...]
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  • Scabies; how you get it and how to get rid of it
    6月 21, 2021 Bill Gluyas

    Scabies; how you get it and how to get rid of it

    Scabies mites are infesting people all over the world. Once the scourge of people living in congested, substandard housing were the main victims of this invisible-to-the-naked-eye mite that lives under the skin causing intense itching and discomfort to the human host.But now they are everywhere, even in rest homes and hospitals!So how do you catch [...]
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