Reducing Eye Wrinkles is so Important for Your Photographs
Knowing how to reverse aging eyes could be so beneficial for your next selfie!
” I just got a new pixel smartphone which has a very enhanced camera. I’ve used it for a week on holiday which I’ve just come back from.
However, looking at the pictures has made me very sad and depressed as the state of my under eyes area is shocking. I knew they weren’t great but, I look like I’ve got the eyes of a 50 something-year-old. So, how to reverse aging eyes? “
Yes, smartphones are great for many things when you are on holiday, especially when making a photo memory.
Cell phones auto-sharpen photos, which means they increase the contrast. Therefore, it undoubtedly makes your fine lines look much deeper and a bit exaggerated than they are.
Not to worry.
We reveal to you tricks that will restore the youthful look of your eyes so that they will look enchanting and feminine again.
Are dark circles the first sign of aging eyes?
When dark circles appear, the first thought is that you did not sleep well.
Indeed, they can darken and be even more pronounced if you are tired. However, I have to disappoint you and say that they are the first sign of aging!
I believe that this process will become clearer to you when we remind you that facial skin is made of several layers.
The epidermis is on the face’s surface and has a protective role – protecting you from bacteria and other damaging particles from the external environment.
Then there is the second layer, full of lipids and collagen that maintain the youthful appearance of the face.
The third layer of the skin is the tissue in which the blood vessels are located. This layer supplies us with vitamins and minerals!
Over time, the protective layer of the face “wears out” and the skin around the eyes becomes thinner. Circulation slows down, so blood vessels become visible to the naked eye, leading to under-eye circles.
In a few days or weeks, from red, they can become almost black, so it isn’t easy to cover them with makeup. Also, dehydration of the whole organism will contribute to creating dark under-eye circles.
Keep in mind to take water regularly. If the body is adequately hydrated, it will produce new, healthy, and strong cells faster.
The second most common reason, in addition to aging, which contributes to dark under-eye circles, is rough scratching of the eyes.
When changes occur, proteins and vitamins in the cells decrease due to aging, and the skin around the eyes begins to sting and itch. However, it is not the cells themselves that encourage such unpleasant events, but the wind and the cold. Most ladies start to mind the slightest change in the weather, and spring allergies further accelerate the itching itself!
When that moment comes, you can use creams that hydrate thin skin around the eyes and slow down aging.
The next question is how do these creams work, and do they fight with under-eye circles?
What about the ‘bags’ under the eyes?
Due to the wear of collagen fibers, the skin stretches, so we get an empty space under the eyes. After the age of 50, whitish eyebags that follow the line of the eyelids usually appear. Inside them is excess fat, which accumulates in the deeper layers of the skin due to the loss of facial volume.
But, they often appear during younger days, too. During the forties, excess water can accumulate in the so-called pockets under the eyes, giving a tired look to the face.
You must know that there are surgical interventions that reshape the skin of the face, but they can bring contraindications.
One natural way to reverse aging eyes is to immediately fix the problem with cold wraps. Cool the boiled chamomile bags in the refrigerator overnight and place them under the eyes for a few minutes. It will instantly refresh your face and get you ready for work.
Slightly longer-lasting solutions are the aforementioned anti-age creams, which nourish facial skin. Vitamin C stimulates cell regeneration, while plant extracts will speed up circulation. If you choose the suitable cream, you can remove dark under-eye circles. At least soften them.
Unfortunately, I can’t save you from the next problem, which comes naturally with aging skin around the eyes!
Dropped eyelids as a sign of aging eyes
Dropped eyelids are a sure indicator that the shape of the face has changed due to aging. Namely, when we are over forty, the tone of the facial muscles decreases, and the skin around the eyes ages.
Of course, gravity does its thing, lowering the whole face down. The line of the chin becomes blurred as the lips and cheeks are drawn, giving you a sad look.
You may notice wrinkles in the middle of the lid when you close your eyes. This is happening because muscles around the eyes relax due to the loss of collagen and elastin, so we get a drunken look.
Is eyelash loss related to face skin aging?
There is no scientific evidence of eyelash loss due to aging itself. However, we often lightly choose makeup, and this is something that you shouldn’t disregard.
Eyelash loss is normal if you lose two to three hairs a day. You will practically not even notice them because they usually separate while washing! However, any hair that stays on the wardrobe or sticks to your cheeks several times a day is stimulated by external factors.
Always check the expiration date of the makeup in your kit and the declarations of the same. (My friend does this).
Wondering what that means?
If your makeup kit contains a large amount of silicone, perfume, and processed paint, it will weaken eyelash hair. Over time, the collagen fibers that keep them healthy will be lost entirely. So choose natural products that will not damage the pH value of the skin and further damage the epidermis around eyelashes.
Wrinkles around the eyes also imply small wrinkles in the very corners of the eyes. You can notice them in their thirties when you smile, and that is why they are called wrinkles of laughter.
Positive name, but a desperate one stays right there in front of the mirror!
As the epidermis is attacked daily by free radicals and bacteria, the skin around the eyes suffers first.
Natural face creams based on hyaluronic acid will keep water particles in the cells and speed up regeneration. If you want immediately visible results, there are hyaluronic fillers, which experts inject directly into the wrinkles, filling them.
But we at Manuka Natural advise our customers the following: before you decide on a cream or filler, give the whole head relaxation. First, massage the temples in gentle circular motions, then the skin above the eyebrows, and return to the eyelids with the nose line.
You can apply a tiny amount on your fingers, which will stimulate cells with vitamin E and fatty acids and encourage a youthful appearance of the face. A few minutes is enough for a massage, after which the blood will flow faster, helping the skin to suck up the nutrients.
No matter what, ladies often ask us the same question…
How to reverse aging eyes naturally
Tip #1 Get proper sleep!
I know that sometimes I sound like a boring granny, but… Your body can’t repair itself without sleep.
Have you looked into improving your sleep at all? Do you know why you’re a poor sleeper? Because sleep is a HUGE health factor for skin and so many other things.
If you’ve been fighting bad skin for years… you may finally start to see a turnaround in the condition of your skin when/if you treat sleep apnea.
Of course, if you have that problem.
I am saying this because it was impossible for many ladies. You can’t fix skin issues without fixing your sleep first.
And it goes without saying that keeping your circadian rhythm solid (try to avoid eating within 3 hours of your intended sleep time, use blue-light-blocking software or lenses, and cut-off the stimulants by 2 pm or so).
Also, eating a balanced, healthy diet high in vegetables and fruits (and low in sugar, heated fats, and refined carbohydrates) and growing mindfulness will help.
Do you use sunscreen? Do you smoke? Are you prescribed glasses? Do you wear sunglasses when needed?
These are also significant factors in how your eyes will age. Protecting your skin and minimizing squinting will save a lot of wear and tear on your face. You can slow down this process and reverse it to some extent with some care.
Tip # 2 Moisturize and treat regularly
Manuka honey is a natural moisturizer, drawing moisture from the air and releasing it to your skin into deep layers. In addition to its natural healing properties, manuka honey also contains additional vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that provide nourishment, protection, and hydration for your skin.
Simply Sensitive – Hypoallergenic Moisturizer is a highly effective, ultra-gentle eye cream enriched with the powerful antiseptic properties of Manuka Honey.
The cream helps treat dark circles, puffiness, fine lines, and wrinkles while providing long-lasting moisture to support the skin’s natural elasticity.
Formulated with nourishing oils infused with antioxidants, this hypoallergenic moisturizer works together with an Apricot Kernel, Sweet Almond, Medolla Medmuls B200, Sesame, and Tocopherol oils, leaving you looking restful and soothing.
They redrape the fat pad under your eye to get rid of the puffiness, pull your skin tighter, remove any excess of a dark color to get rid of the crepe-y look and smooth out the wrinkles.
Tip # 3 Start using bee venom products
(Only if you’re not allergic)
Royal Nectar Bee Venom Eye Cream is a soothing age-defying eye treatment formulated with a unique blend of New Zealand Manuka Honey, Bee Venom, and Easyliance. The ingredients are carefully selected to soothe the delicate skin around the eyes.
Easyliance is acting as a tightener with immediate effect. It combines two ingredients: a hydrolyzed biopolymer and acacia gum, with synergetic action. This biopolymer is naturally produced by a microorganism living in sunflower roots through a symbiosis system.
The unique combination of Bee Venom and Easyliance gently stimulates the facial muscles helping to firm and smooth the skin around the eye.
Leaving you and your pics much happier.
In the end …
Lastly, don’t forget to always be gentle on your skin – from removing makeup to applying the product.
As we said initially, the skin around the eyes is fragile. That is why any additional pressure, especially if we repeat it in daily beauty routines, will contribute to the creation of extra lines and wrinkles.
Apply the cream with your choice, tap lightly, make circular movements and repeat until the product is completely absorbed into the skin.
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED on blog.manukanatural.com
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