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How to get rid of Alhlete's Foot - its easier than you think

How to get rid of Alhlete's Foot - its easier than you think

Manuka Essential Oil for Athlete’s Foot | Create good selfie moments but without socks

You’re wondering what the hell you should try if you have athlete’s foot and used multiple products? Maybe essential oil for athlete’s foot?

You went to the doctor, got 2 tubes of something that had steroids in it, but it came back. You used OTC stuff, made sure always to finish the product, but again it came back?

An athletic foot is a fungal infection that affects feet. It got its name because athletes suffer the most from it due to increased sweating, which is an excellent condition for developing a disease in sport’s shoes – but that does not mean that they are the only group affected by this problem.

The risk group is with people whose feet sweat more, just like athletes, and those who wear opaque shoes, especially if they spend most of the day in them. The fungus Tinea pedis cause the infection, and the ailment is not very dangerous, but it is unpleasant.

Another problem with this is it is difficult to get rid of and prevent it from coming back.

And if left untreated, the infection can spread from the feet to other sensitive parts of the body, such as the groin, armpits, or scalp, where it causes severe dandruff.

Causes of athlete’s foot

Generations lived and died on your feet. Talk about a super host!

Now that I think of it, the only thing worse than stinky feet is having a foot fungus.

The athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus that breeds best in humid and warm conditions. That is why socks and closed shoes are an ideal nursery for them.

However, the infection can also be obtained by walking on insufficiently clean or disinfected surfaces, such as public showers, locker rooms, public swimming pools, and similar places with a lot of moisture and many people. We can also become infected through the towels, clothes, or shoes of an already infected person.

Sometimes the fungus occurs even after it has been cured, which is a good thing to have a natural solution for every situation.

You’ll find that you have to treat the shoes and socks too, even as washing those separately as the hot water doesn’t kill 100% of the fungus.

Athlete’s foot symptoms

The first symptom is itching, most commonly between the second and third toes. As the infection progresses, redness of the skin occurs first, followed by a scaly rash followed by burning.

The itching is strongest immediately after removing shoes and socks.

The infected layer of skin can sometimes become white, yellowish, and moist, and the infection can also spread to the nails. In people with more sensitive skin, additional symptoms can be blisters or sores on the skin, which creates further problems and possible bacterial infections.

A common symptom of this problem is severe dryness of the whole foot. This is why dry feet can be mistaken for a fungal infection, as both show symptoms of flaking, redness, and often itching and burning. Treating a disorder the way you would treat dryness can be just as bad as doing the opposite.

Treating dryness with antifungals can worsen the situation, as can applying dry foot creams if we have an infection. That is why it is crucial to diagnose the problem before starting treatment, which we can only do by going to the doctor and conducting a microbiological examination.

Athlete’s foot treatment

The athletic foot is treated with antifungal creams or natural preparations with antifungal action. But none of this will cure the infection if we don’t follow some rules. For starters, it is essential to be disciplined in treating a fungal infection, as sometimes it takes several weeks of regular treatments to show results.

During this time, it is vital to change your socks regularly and keep your foot in closed, airtight shoes for as little time as possible. The feet should be out in the open air for as long as possible during the day.

In the meantime, wash them regularly and lubricate them with appropriate preparations.

Some people get super strong infections by ignoring this problem.

You don’t have to.

Manuka essential oil for athletes foot

The natural compound with the most incredible abundance of β-Triketones, by far and without dispute, is Manuka Oil.

These triketones significantly contribute to antimicrobial action.

Manuka oil exhibits strong bacteriostatic effects against different strains of fungus bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant strains.

Reports from the American Research Society advise that manuka tree oil can work as an antiseptic when applied topically to kill germs (including those resistant antibiotics) and it may help treat fungus.

How to apply manuka essential oil for Athlete’s foot?

Feet like to breathe, so wash them first

Place 3-5 drops of Manuka Oil on affected areas and surrounding areas.

You can do it with cotton or with a bare finger. Let it dry a little.

Cover feet with clean cotton socks.

Apply 2 times daily, changing to clean socks each time.

What Is Manuka essential oil good for?

Manuka oil is a natural remedy that can be used to treat ringworm and other skin infections. It soothes the affected area, healing it quickly without any scarring or irritation from external causes.

The athlete’s foot that had been haunting you for months will noticeably be better the very next day and nearly gone in 3-21 days!

Please be persistent and make sure all the fungus has been eradicated.

Thanks to manuka oil’s high concentration of triketones and other properties, it’s ideal – and safe. The uses include:

Preventing stubborn acne
Reducing the appearance of scars
Bug bites and stings
Rashes and chafing
Sunburns and other minor burns
Minor scrapes and bruises
Beautiful nails and cuticles
Smooth and supple skin
Soothing sore muscles and aching joints
Dandruff and dry, itchy skin
Protecting at-risk skin on lips, elbows, and knees
Reducing wrinkles and the appearance of aging

Manuka essential oil is not the only solution for Athlete’s foot

Many people think (among them many are MDs) that barefoot walking puts us in direct contact with the Earth’s magnetic field, which helps us with health and a sense of happiness.

That is because the Earth’s electrons neutralize the free radicals in our body responsible for many diseases. These same electrons also improve sleep, reduce stress and the feeling of pain.

The living matrix (or ground regulation or tissue tensegrity-matrix system), the very fabric of the body, appears to serve as one of our primary antioxidant defense systems.

All this is supported by various studies that say that in addition to all this, barefoot walking brings better immunity, i.e., people who often walked barefoot in the study had better immunity than those who were constantly wearing shoes.

In the end …

Even if you don’t believe in all these stories about the benefits of health and a greater sense of fulfillment, one thing is for sure – the very feeling of barefoot walking will please you so much that you will soon want it – more.

Just imagine your little smelly feet going around in a natural place like this?!


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