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Why you should take Manuka honey for Gut Health

Why you should take Manuka honey for Gut Health

Manuka honey for gut health | H. Pylori, Gastritis, Esophagitis, and inflammation symptoms

Is manuka honey any good for gut health?”

When it comes to improving and protecting your digestive system, honey from manuka shines with its unique tummy healing properties.

Let’s take a look into the benefits of manuka honey for our gut health and how it can improve certain conditions such as ulcers and IBS while also reducing acid reflux.

Plus, there’s research that supports fantastic gut health benefits when you’re feeling the worst!

Why is honey from manuka the best for gut health?

In the 1980’s Dr. Peter Molan, an NZ biochemist surprised scientists by isolating compounds from manuka honey. That research showed honey’s antibacterial activity against some pathogenic bacteria like Helicobacter Pylori (Hp).

Later on, in 1991, a scientist who conducted a similar test found that manuka honey from New Zealand, at concentrations as low as 5% v/v, completely stopped the growth of H. pylori.

So, what does this mean?

It means that manuka honey is different than other kinds of honey.

The scientific world has found a naturally occurring chemical compound in manuka honey called Methylglyoxal (MGO), providing many gut health benefits.

MGO is produced from honeybees’ intricate process to forage manuka pollen and nectar to create delicious honey.

Although other honeys contain their health benefits, Manuka honey is much more notable for gut health

The unique benefits of manuka honey were first discovered by Dr. Molan and his team, who coined the term “UMF” to measure potency, a rating system based on MGO concentrations found in each sample.

Therefore, a higher UMF equals more excellent healing capabilities for your gut system! Faster too!

So let’s look at how this miracle natural sweetener can improve many different aspects of your tummy.

Manuka honey promotes healthy gut bacteria

We’ve all heard the saying, “Gut Health is Vital for Overall Body Wellness.”

Our digestive system contains millions of gut bacteria that keep our bodies healthy, balanced, and operating effectively.

They help maintain balance in your body by promoting good digestion; plus, they can also enhance other parts like energy levels, immune function and even play a role in controlling your emotion.

Probiotics can fight off any disease as long they are fed with healthy, natural nutrients called prebiotics.

Prebiotics are carbs your body can’t properly digest. So they go to your lower gut tract, where as food they help the healthy bacteria grow.

They are something like hero’s sidekick. Without them, your gut’s health declines.

Now, let’s take a look how a gut looks like when is under attack.

Lots of unwanted guests. Right?

Since manuka honey is prebiotic, it helps our body digest food better and boosts immune function by improving the resistance of good bacteria in your gut! And its antimicrobial properties act as a ‘swiper’ for all those nasty bacteria that give your stomach trouble.

Research shows that manuka honey promotes an ideal gut balance, with each spoonful of delicious honey taken!

If you imagine our stomachs as gardens, pre-and probiotic food should be treated similarly to how we need good dirt in order for plants to thrive: with plenty of love!

Manuka honey kills bad bacteria

One of the most notable and exciting aspects of manuka honey is its ability to kill damaging bacteria while at the same time stimulating good probiotic populations.

Recent research has shown that it’s effective against over 50 species in addition to many specific types which attack us internally, such as those found within our digestive system.

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
Staphylococcus aureus (staph)
Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Clostridium difåcile (C. diff)
Salmonella typhimurium
Salmonella enteritidis
Staphylococcus aureus (staph)

The bad boys above can cause stomach ulcers, colitis and even contribute to irregular digestion. However, consuming honey from manuka gives you an excellent natural remedy to combat these issues and go on with your day.

Manuka honey gut health at first hand.

Manuka honey is an anti-inflammatory

A recent study found that manuka honey might effectively reduce inflammation by fighting off foreign pathogens. These bad boys may occur in many places throughout the gut, including but not limited to the stomach lining or intestines.

This type of inflammation causes pain with potential harm throughout all parts of the colon – which makes manuka worth trying out for anyone who suffers from chronic conditions i.e., leaky guts syndrome!

The high concentration of MGO (methylglyoxal) helps reduce the bacteria responsible for causing infections and may also provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

This may be partly because manuka contains a unique synergistic blend that includes many different anti-inflammatory compounds. Research backs this up, revealing how manuka honey can be an effective medication for treating inflammation. (1)

Manuka honey for ulcer and other gut health issues

Stomach ulcer and burning indigestion pain in the digestive system with a medical illustration of the human digestion organ with a hole in the document that has a burn with flames as a health care symbol on a grunge texture.

Manuka honey shows its best antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects when treating stomach ulcers.

This is a sore that may develop on the internal lining, usually caused by hydrochloric acid present within one’s digestive system or H. Pylori bacteria infection, which can also lead to them developing further into more severe problems.

Similarly, in 2016., researchers discovered that high potency UMF manukahoney encouraged healing of gastric lesions and helped protect the gut tissue from developing ulcers.

Manuka honey is rich in flavonoids which can increase glycoprotein production (involved in the preservation of immunity), thus repairing gastric damage—at the same time, preserving gastric mucus from eradicating. 

Manuka Honey for IBS/IBD

You won’t find many things that can beat the miracles of manuka honey. For example, its use in treating irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease has proven quite effective!

Situated mainly due to inflammation, 1 out of 7 adults deal with painful symptoms regarding IBS. At the same time, another 2 million Americans have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, which has similar signs but affects the colon instead.

Luckily, manuka honey has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties that make it a fantastic natural option for treating gut symptoms. Research conducted in 2008. concluded a significant reduction of colonic
inflammation when treated with manuka honey, especially with higher levels of UMF.

Manuka honey for acid reflux

Many harmful effects can come from too many stomach acids, which erode the esophagus over time.

Luckily there’s manuka honey – it works as an effective treatment through various means such as the soothing irritated throat or reducing pain caused by heartburn.

Manuka honey’s anti-inflammatory qualities can help to soothe your throat and delicate tissues along the digestive tract. It also protects a thin mucus layer covering our esophagus, allowing for more substantial barriers that can develop.

The strong barrier keeps out any opportunistic bacteria causing infection in this area.

This sophisticated natural formula can help you avoid having acid reflux or reduce its occurrence.

Manuka honey for food poisoning

The MGO in manuka honey is responsible for preventing the growth of various microbes. Thus, it aids in preventing food contamination leading to fewer chances that you’ll get sick from your meal!

Research has shown that manuka honey can reduce the disease-causing ability of different pathogens. In this regard, it directly attacks their virulence genes (disease-causing gene) and prevents them from establishing an infection in your body.


The high content of phenols and flavonoids in this type of honey helps reduce oxidative stress, which protects the gut cells from viral attack by limiting free radicals creation due to its powerful antioxidant properties that can even fight bacteria like E Coli.

In 2013, researchers experimented to see if manuka honey could be used as a way of treating food poisoning and boosting your gut’s defenses against future infections.

Higher concentrations of manuka honey were found to be increasingly effective against C. Difficile infections – which are heat resistant. Therefore, it’s important to note that high-grade manuka honey is the best option when dealing with food poisoning, and preserving gut health.

In the end …

As the honey moves through your digestive tract, it begins to work as soon as it’s broken down. Using a high-grade Manuka-like 15+ UMF option, will ensure that you’re getting all of those benefits with every sip!

Consistent daily intake of this honey will help you in the long run. However, if you’re looking to consume manuka as a means for treating one or more gut issues, we recommend eating 1-2 teaspoons each day.

So, whether it’s killing the harmful bacteria that cause these conditions, promoting a healthy gut ecosystem with probiotics, or improving the antioxidant capabilities, many benefits will bring you relief when you try manuka honey.

FAQ questions

Is manuka honey good for stomach issues?

Manuka honey is a great alternative to medications when you have chronic digestive issues. It’s been found effective for acid reflux, gastritis, and diarrhea in addition to H pylori infections as well!

How does manuka honey help gastritis?

Manuka honey is the only natural product that has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa. Regular consumption of this honey normalizes the secretory and motor activity of the stomach. In addition, studies have shown that it reduces the secretion of gastric juice and its acid in the case of hypertrophic gastritis and increases the acidity and amount of pepsin due to gastritis, allowing it to keep H. pylori from leaving its boundaries.

How much manuka honey should I take for digestive problems?

You should eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of it each day to reap its benefits for your tummy issues.

Does Manuka honey help gut bacteria?

Manuka honey is prebiotic. By consuming honey, bacteria in the intestines get an excellent nutritional basis to multiply faster. The higher the number of good intestinal bacteria, the stronger the immune system.


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