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Why jojoba is effective treating eczema

Jojoba oil, or more correctly a wax is a wonderful ingredient in skin care creams as it is healthy for the skin in a variety of ways:

Jojoba oil is very similar in texture to the sebum in our skin therefore it is easily absorbed and it is a rich moisturizer making it ideal in the Manuka honey cream eczema formula.

Jojoba is naturally antibacterial so it is great for skin infections and for blending with other ingredients in a formula, it is also anti-inflammatory making it very useful for treating eczema and dermatitis.

Originally Jojoba was used by Native tribes in Southwest USA and Mexico for a range of skin problems and was really only ‘discovered’ by the West in the 1970’s.

Jojoba is also very good for treating acne infections as it can help to unblock pores in the skin and when included with Manuka honey it makes a very soft and silky cream that is non greasy and easily absorbed.

As an anti-aging ingredient, Jojoba is one of the top line ingredients as it is long lasting, preventing scaling, cracking and dryness. It has no natural scent so works well with other naturally scented ingredients.

Jojoba acts as a natural preservative which means that conventional preservatives can be kept to a minimum in a formula containing Jojoba.

Jojoba contains nutrients like vitamin E and B, as well as minerals like chromium, copper, and zinc, which all nourish and protect skin from the effects of aging.

Creams containing Jojoba are recommended for people with psoriasis and eczema because of its gentle nature. Applying jojoba to damaged skin can help keep it moist and reduce flare-ups as well as reducing the appearance of scars from acne, stretch marks and wounds.

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