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Dog joint treatments

Natural supplements relieve dog joint pain.velvet-antler-dog-formula.jpg

We have just received another review from a customer who purchased Velvet Agility supplement for her aging Border Collie dog.

She reports that a chance meeting with an old friend told her about this product containing velvet antler and how successful it had been for her own dog.

Margaret has been giving her dog Charlie Velvet Agility supplements for only a month and has seen a huge improvement in his health and condition.

We have been promoting velvet antler supplements to mainly holistic veterinarians in the Eastern States of USA for several years and although there was a fairly slow uptake initially, their experience has led to a huge increase in sales to vets with new practices coming on board as they see the positive results coming from velvet antler supplements.

Velvet antler in the Velvet Agility supplements comes from the antlers of New Zealand red deer and this tonic has at least 2000 years of historic use in the Orient where it was referred to as the “Emperor’s Tonic”.

Today it is used by both humans as NZ Vel Enhance bio, and as Velvet Agility for both pet cats and dogs.

If you have an older pet that is beginning to show symptoms of old age and joint stiffness we highly recommend that you give them a velvet antler supplement. Velvet antler has achieved universal success in cats, dogs and humans, it is completely natural and has no reported side effects.

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